Pioneers in LGBTQ+ Health: Celebrating Trailblazers in Health Care

Honoring 5 LGBTQ+ Health Heroes for LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month, celebrated in October, honors the remarkable individuals who have shaped the history of LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. This month is also an opportunity to reflect on those trailblazers in healthcare who have made groundbreaking contributions, often while overcoming societal prejudice. Their work has improved healthcare for countless people, both within and beyond the LGBTQ+ community.

As all of us at Novus celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, let’s take a moment to honor some of the pioneers in LGBTQ+ health whose courage and resilience continue to inspire and uplift future generations.

Dr. Sara Josephine Baker (1873–1945)

Dr. Sara Josephine Baker broke barriers in public health long before it was common for women to hold such positions of power. In 1908, she became the first director of New York City’s Bureau of Child Hygiene, where she made a lasting impact by improving sanitation and reducing infant mortality. Her pioneering efforts led to a 40% drop in infant deaths in the city, especially among immigrant communities, who often faced dire health conditions.

Dr. Baker’s personal life was equally unconventional for her time. She lived with her partner, writer Ida Wylie, for 25 years. Though her work was primarily focused on public health, her legacy as an openly LGBTQ+ woman in a leadership role in the medical field remains significant. She stood as a symbol of defiance against the gender norms of her era, inspiring many LGBTQ+ health professionals who came after her.

Dr. Alan L. Hart (1890–1962)

Dr. Alan L. Hart was a pioneering physician and medical researcher who contributed enormously to tuberculosis screening and treatment. He was also one of the first documented transgender men to undergo gender confirmation surgery in the United States. Despite facing relentless discrimination after being outed by a colleague, Dr. Hart’s commitment to healthcare never wavered. His innovative use of X-rays to detect tuberculosis in its early stages saved countless lives and helped reduce the spread of the disease.

Dr. Hart’s resilience and brilliance in the face of adversity remain a beacon of hope for transgender individuals navigating careers in medicine and science. His dedication to public health continues to resonate in the medical community.

Dr. Emily Blackwell (1826–1910)

Dr. Emily Blackwell, along with her sister Elizabeth, founded the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children in 1857, offering accessible healthcare to underserved women. Dr. Blackwell also helped establish the Women’s Medical College in 1868, providing education for women pursuing medical degrees at a time when such opportunities were rare.

Dr. Blackwell’s contributions to healthcare were revolutionary, but equally notable was her personal life. She raised an adopted daughter with her partner, Dr. Elizabeth Cushier, at a time when same-sex relationships were largely hidden from public view. Together, they created a life that blended professional dedication with personal authenticity, setting an example for future LGBTQ+ professionals.

Dr. Bruce Voeller (1934–1994)

Dr. Bruce Voeller was a pioneering gay rights advocate and scientist who played a crucial role in HIV/AIDS research. He co-founded the National Gay Task Force in 1973 and was instrumental in bringing the LGBTQ+ community’s fight for civil rights into the political arena. Dr. Voeller’s most notable contribution to healthcare was his work in naming and researching AIDS during the early years of the epidemic.

As one of the first researchers to focus on AIDS, Dr. Voeller advocated for education and research at a time when fear and misinformation dominated public discourse. His contributions to sexual health research and LGBTQ+ advocacy have saved countless lives and remain a cornerstone of modern LGBTQ+ healthcare.

Dr. John Fryer (1937–2003)

Dr. John Fryer was a psychiatrist whose courageous 1972 speech at the American Psychiatric Association (APA) helped declassify homosexuality as a mental illness. Donning a disguise and speaking anonymously under the pseudonym “Dr. H. Anonymous,” Fryer exposed the struggles LGBTQ+ psychiatrists faced in a field that pathologized their identities.

Dr. Fryer’s testimony was a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. His bravery helped shift medical perspectives on LGBTQ+ individuals, ultimately leading to significant changes in how the medical community approaches LGBTQ+ health and mental well-being. Today, the APA presents the John E. Fryer Award to those who contribute to the mental health and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBTQ+ Healthcare in Pennsylvania

At Novus, our dedication to inclusive sexual health care is driven by our belief that everyone deserves access to compassionate and effective healthcare. We invite you to experience the difference inclusive care can make in your health journey. With locations across Pennsylvania, including Bridgeport, Lehighton, Bethlehem, Doylestown, Stroudsburg, and Reading, we support you with the care you need.

Book an appointment today and discover how Novus can support your sexual health needs in a welcoming and affirming environment.

Understanding Monkeypox: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox, also referred to as Mpox, is a rare viral disease that belongs to the same family of viruses as smallpox. Although it is less severe than smallpox, Monkeypox can still cause significant illness and complications. With increasing cases being reported globally and throughout Pennsylvania, the Novus team is committed to helping you better understand the symptoms, modes of transmission, and prevention strategies to protect yourself and others.

Symptoms of Monkeypox

Monkeypox symptoms usually appear within 5 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. The illness typically begins with flu-like symptoms, which can include:

  • Fever: One of the first symptoms to develop, often accompanied by chills.
  • Headache: Severe headaches are common in the early stages.
  • Muscle Aches: Myalgia, or muscle pain, can occur throughout the body.
  • Fatigue: Extreme tiredness and lack of energy.
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes: Lymphadenopathy is a distinguishing feature of monkeypox, setting it apart from smallpox.
  • Rash: A rash usually appears within 1 to 3 days after the onset of fever. It begins on the face and then spreads to other body parts, including the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. The rash progresses through several stages, from macules to papules, vesicles, pustules, and finally scabs.

Transmission of Monkeypox

Monkeypox can be transmitted from animals to humans and from person to person. Understanding how the virus spreads is crucial for effective prevention.

Animal-to-Human Transmission:

  • Direct Contact: With contact of blood, bodily fluids, or cutaneous or mucosal lesions of infected animals.
  • Consumption: Of undercooked meat or other animal products from infected animals.
  • Bites or Scratches: From infected animals, particularly rodents and primates.

Human-to-Human Transmission:

  • Close Contact: With respiratory secretions, skin lesions, or recently contaminated objects.
  • Prolonged Face-to-Face Contact: Through respiratory droplets.
  • Direct Contact: With body fluids or lesion material.
  • Contaminated Objects: Touching items like bedding, clothing, or towels used by an infected person.

Prevention of Monkeypox

Preventing monkeypox involves both personal and public health measures. Here are some key strategies:


Hygiene Practices:

  • Hand Hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Protective Clothing: Wearing gloves, masks, and other protective gear when caring for infected individuals.

Avoiding Contact:

  • Infected Animals: Avoid handling animals that could be carriers of the virus, particularly in regions where monkeypox is endemic.
  • Infected Individuals: Limit contact with people showing symptoms of monkeypox and avoid sharing personal items.

Safe Food Practices:

  • Cooking Meat: Ensure all animal products are thoroughly cooked before consumption.

Get Vaccinated Against Monkeypox at Novus

At Novus, we are committed to your health and safety. Monkeypox is a serious condition, but with proper knowledge and precautions, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. We offer monkeypox vaccinations across our six locations in Pennsylvania, ensuring you have access to the care you need. 

Don’t wait—schedule your vaccination today and take an active step towards safeguarding your health. 

Managing HIV: Tips for Staying Healthy and Undetectable

Living Well with HIV: Essential Tips for Staying Healthy

Living with HIV can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, you can lead a healthy and fulfilling life. One of the key goals for individuals living with HIV is to achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load, which means the level of HIV in the blood is so low that it can’t be measured by standard tests. This not only helps keep you healthy but also prevents the transmission of HIV to others. 

From our team at Novus, here are some essential tips for managing HIV and staying undetectable:

1. Adhere to Your Treatment Plan

Take Your Medications as Prescribed

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the cornerstone of HIV treatment. It’s crucial to take your medications exactly as your healthcare provider prescribes. Missing doses can lead to drug resistance and make the virus more challenging to control.

Regular Medical Appointments

Frequent check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential for monitoring your health and the effectiveness of your treatment. Regular blood tests will help ensure that your viral load remains undetectable and that your CD4 count stays in a healthy range.

2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Balanced Diet

Eating a nutritious diet helps boost your immune system and maintain overall health. Focus on consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to help strengthen your body and improve your mood.

Avoid Substance Abuse

Limiting or avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs can improve your overall health and help your medications work more effectively.

3. Prioritize Mental Health

Seek Support

Living with HIV can be emotionally taxing. Connecting with a support group or talking to a mental health professional can provide you with the necessary emotional support.

Stress Management

Practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help you manage anxiety and depression, which are common among individuals living with HIV.

4. Practice Safe Sex

Use Protection

Consistently using condoms and dental dams properly during sexual activity can prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Communicate with Partners

Open and honest communication with your sexual partners about your HIV status and the importance of protection is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship and preventing transmission.

5. Stay Informed and Engaged

Educate Yourself

Staying informed about the latest advancements in HIV treatment and management can empower you to make better health decisions.

Advocate for Yourself

Advocating for your health means communicating openly with your healthcare providers and seeking the best possible care. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and express concerns.

6. Utilize Support Services

Access Community Resources

Many communities offer resources and services specifically for individuals living with HIV. These can include counseling, financial assistance, and educational programs.

Novus Health Services in Pennsylvania

At Novus, we are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for individuals living with HIV. Our experienced team offers a range of services, including free and confidential testing, treatment, and ongoing support. With five convenient locations across Pennsylvania, we are here to help you stay healthy and undetectable.

Contact us today to learn more about our HIV care services or request an appointment.

Where You Get Your Medication Matters

Empowering Community Health Through Every Prescription

At Novus in Pennsylvania, we are committed not only to your health but also to the well-being of our entire community. When you fill your prescriptions through our partner pharmacies, you support a vital cause—ensuring everyone has access to the medications they need, regardless of their financial situation.

The Power of Your Prescription

Every time you fill a prescription with Novus, you contribute to our 340B program at no additional cost. This program allows us to fund and provide essential services, such as free STI and HIV testing and treatments, to those who need them most. Your choice has a direct impact on the health and wellness of our community.

What Is The 340B Drug Pricing Program?

The federal 340B Drug Pricing Program is a drug price control initiative that allows qualifying providers—typically hospitals, specialty clinics, and associated outpatient facilities serving uninsured and low-income patients in rural communities—to purchase outpatient drugs from manufacturers at discounted prices. This program is crucial in enabling organizations like Novus to extend their services to underserved populations.

Why Novus?

By choosing Novus for your prescription needs, you become an essential part of our mission to offer comprehensive sexual health services. This includes free STI and HIV testing, prevention, and treatment. Your support helps us continue our outreach efforts, breaking down barriers to access and educating our community about sexual health.

Join Novus in Making a Difference

Start filling your prescriptions with Novus today and take an active role in supporting community health. Your decision helps us reinvest in our practice, ensuring we can provide a high level of care for all. 

With five locations across Pennsylvania, Novus proudly offers inclusive, confidential sexual healthcare services. Visit or contact us today and experience the care and support you deserve. Together, we can achieve better health outcomes for our community.

Choose Novus; change lives. Your prescription matters!

Top Tips for Improving Sexual Health and Wellness

Navigating Sexual Wellness with Novus

Achieving and maintaining optimal sexual health and wellness is an integral aspect of overall well-being and quality of life. While seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is invaluable, individuals also have the power to take proactive steps independently to improve their sexual health. By incorporating practical strategies and fostering healthy habits, individuals can enhance their sexual experiences, promote safer practices, and cultivate fulfilling relationships. 

In this blog, the team at Novus, proudly providing inclusive, confidential sexual health care services to residents across Pennsylvania from their five locations, explores some top tips for enhancing sexual health and wellness, empowering you to take control of your sexual well-being and thrive in your intimate relationships.

Prioritize Communication

Open and honest communication with your partner(s) about desires, boundaries, and concerns is crucial for fostering healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships. It’s also important to discuss the status of relationships, including topics like open relationships, to encourage transparency between partners and ensure everyone has the same expectations. Be proactive in discussing your needs and actively listen to your partner(s) to ensure mutual understanding and satisfaction.

Practice Safe Sex

Incorporating safer sex practices into your sexual encounters promotes both physical and emotional well-being. Consistently using barrier methods such as condoms and dental dams can help prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancies. Additionally, consider options like PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for HIV prevention. It’s important to explore these options to find the best fit for your sexual health needs.

Focus on Consent

Respect for consent is paramount in all sexual interactions. Always ensure that all parties involved freely and enthusiastically consent to any sexual activity. Consent should be ongoing, enthusiastic, and affirmative, and it can be withdrawn at any time.

Educate Yourself

Take the initiative to educate yourself about sexual health, STIs, contraception, and reproductive anatomy. Access reputable sources of information such as trusted websites, books, or sexual health organizations to deepen your understanding and make informed decisions about your sexual health.

Maintain Overall Health

Engaging in regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress can positively impact sexual health. Prioritizing overall well-being contributes to increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced sexual function.

Get Tested Regularly

Regular STI and HIV testing is essential, even if you’re in a monogamous relationship. Many STIs may not present symptoms initially, so routine testing is crucial for early detection and treatment. Visit a healthcare provider or utilize home testing kits to stay informed about your sexual health status.

STI Testing in Pennsylvania

Regular STI testing is a crucial aspect of maintaining good sexual health. By prioritizing regular testing, individuals can detect STIs early, protect themselves and their partners, and access the resources and support needed to stay healthy.

At Novus, we’re here to provide confidential testing, support, and care for individuals living with STIs. We have five locations throughout Pennsylvania, ensuring accessibility and convenience for our community members seeking compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. Remember, early detection saves lives!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take control of your well-being.

Exploring the Benefits of Regular STI Testing

Why Regular STI Testing Should Be Part of Your Health Routine

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a common concern for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. While STIs can often go unnoticed, the importance of regular testing cannot be overstated. 

In this blog post, the Novus team details the benefits of regular STI testing and why it should be a priority for everyone’s sexual health.

Understanding STIs

STIs are infections that are typically spread through sexual activity, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Common STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV. Many STIs can be asymptomatic, meaning individuals may not experience any noticeable symptoms, yet they can still transmit the infection to others. Regular testing is essential for early detection and treatment.

Early Detection and Treatment

One of the primary benefits of regular STI testing is early detection. By getting tested regularly, individuals can identify and treat STIs before they develop into more serious health problems. Early treatment not only helps to prevent the spread of infection to others but also reduces the risk of long-term complications, such as infertility, chronic pain, and certain cancers.

Protecting Yourself and Others

Regular STI testing not only benefits your own health but also helps to protect your sexual partners. By knowing your STI status, you can have open and honest conversations with your partners about sexual health and safer sex practices. Additionally, if you test positive for an STI, you can take steps to prevent transmission to others, such as abstaining from sex or using condoms.

Peace of Mind

Knowing your STI status can provide peace of mind and alleviate anxiety about your sexual health. Whether your test results come back negative or positive, having accurate information allows you to make informed decisions about your sexual behavior and seek appropriate medical care if needed.

Access to Resources and Support

Regular STI testing provides individuals with access to valuable resources and support services. At Novus, we offer confidential testing, counseling, and treatment options for a wide range of STIs. Our compassionate healthcare providers at our five Pennsylvania locations are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide the care you need to stay healthy.

STI Testing in Pennsylvania

Regular STI testing is a crucial aspect of maintaining good sexual health. By prioritizing regular testing, individuals can detect STIs early, protect themselves and their partners, and access the resources and support needed to stay healthy.

At Novus, we’re here to provide confidential testing, support, and care for individuals living with STIs. We have five locations throughout Pennsylvania, ensuring accessibility and convenience for our community members seeking compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. Remember, early detection saves lives!

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take control of your well-being.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of HIV

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While HIV can often go undetected in its early stages, recognizing the signs and symptoms is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment.

In this blog post, the HIV care team at Novus in Pennsylvania explores the common signs and symptoms of HIV, as well as the importance of testing and seeking medical care if you suspect you may have been exposed.

Understanding HIV: What is HIV?

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, specifically targeting CD4 cells, which play a key role in fighting off infections. As the virus progresses, it can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to opportunistic infections and other complications.

Early Signs and Symptoms of HIV

In the early stages of HIV infection, many individuals may not experience any symptoms at all. However, some common early signs and symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Sore throat
  • Rash
  • Muscle aches and joint pain
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Night sweats


It’s important to note that these symptoms can often resemble those of other common illnesses, such as the flu or mononucleosis. Therefore, the only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested.

Later-Stage Symptoms of HIV

As HIV progresses to more advanced stages, individuals may experience more severe symptoms, including:

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Pneumonia
  • Persistent cough
  • Recurrent fever
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling of lymph nodes in the armpits, groin, or neck
  • Sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or throat
  • Memory loss, confusion, or neurological disorders

Importance of Testing

Because HIV can often go undetected in its early stages, testing is critical for early diagnosis and treatment. HIV testing is simple, confidential, and widely available at healthcare facilities, community health centers, and clinics like Novus in Pennsylvania. Early detection allows individuals to access life-saving treatment and care, improve their quality of life, and reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to others.

HIV Testing, Care, and Treatment in Pennsylvania

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of HIV is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or may have been exposed to HIV, don’t hesitate to seek medical care and get tested. 

At Novus, we’re here to provide confidential testing, support, and care for individuals living with HIV. We have five locations throughout Pennsylvania, ensuring accessibility and convenience for our community members seeking compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. Remember, early detection saves lives!

Contact us today to learn more about our HIV care services or request an appointment.

Safe Sex Practices: Reducing the Risk of HIV Transmission

In the area of sexual health, prioritizing safe sex practices is crucial for preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), particularly HIV. Novus is dedicated to providing a safe and confidential environment for HIV testing, care, and treatment from our five Pennsylvania locations

In this blog, our team aims to shed light on the importance of safe sex practices, focusing on reducing the risk of HIV transmission.

Understanding the Importance of Safe Sex

Engaging in safe sex practices is not only a personal responsibility but also a commitment to the well-being of both partners. HIV, a virus that attacks the immune system, can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing of needles, and from an infected mother to her child during childbirth or breastfeeding. By adopting safe sex practices, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission.

HIV Prevention Tips

Consistent Condom Use

Condoms serve as a crucial barrier against HIV transmission during sexual activities. Novus encourages the consistent and correct use of condoms to prevent the exchange of bodily fluids that may carry the virus. Access to high-quality condoms is made available to ensure individuals can protect themselves and their partners effectively.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

PrEP is an exceptionally effective medication for preventing HIV—Novus advocates for considering PrEP as part of a comprehensive prevention strategy for sexually active adults. Consultation with healthcare professionals at Novus can provide individuals with the necessary information and guidance on incorporating PrEP into their sexual health routine.

Open and Honest Communication

Effective communication between partners plays a pivotal role in promoting safe sex practices. Honest discussions about sexual health, STIs, and HIV status create a foundation of trust and understanding. Encouraging open dialogue ensures that both partners are informed and can make informed decisions about their sexual health.

Regular HIV Testing

Proactive measures include regular HIV testing, particularly for those engaging in high-risk behaviors. Novus advocates for routine testing as a responsible step toward maintaining good sexual health. Our discreet testing services prioritize confidentiality, providing individuals with peace of mind and the knowledge needed to make informed choices.

Seek Support and Guidance

In the event of a positive HIV diagnosis, seeking support is crucial. Novus offers comprehensive HIV care and treatment, with experienced healthcare professionals guiding individuals through personalized treatment plans. Access to support services ensures that those affected by HIV can navigate their journey with the necessary medical and emotional support.

HIV Testing, Care, and Treatment in Pennsylvania

Novus, with its commitment to comprehensive care, stands as a beacon of support for individuals navigating the complexities of HIV/AIDS. With a commitment to fostering a healthier future, Novus proudly provides accessible and confidential HIV testing, care, and prevention services throughout PA that empower individuals to take control of their health. Contact us today to learn more about our HIV care services or request an appointment.

Staying Sexually Safe and Well For Valentine’s Day and Beyond

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and intimacy, a time when many choose to express their affection in more intimate ways. While it’s important to enjoy these moments, it’s equally crucial to prioritize sexual health and safety — on Valentine’s Day and throughout the year.

Here are some essential tips to help you stay sexually safe and ensure that your celebrations are not only fun but also responsible.

Open Communication is Key

The foundation of a healthy sexual relationship is open and honest communication. Discuss your expectations, boundaries, and desires with your partner(s). This conversation should also cover sexual health status, ensuring that all parties are aware of and comfortable with each other’s health. Remember, it’s okay to say no, and consent must always be mutual.

The Importance of Consent

Consent is an absolute must for any sexual activity. Never assume consent, and always check in with your partner to ensure they are comfortable and willing to proceed. Respect their decisions and be prepared to stop if they’re not okay with proceeding at any point.

Stay Informed and Get Tested

Regular screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is crucial for maintaining sexual health. If you’re sexually active, especially with multiple partners, make it a habit to get tested regularly (every 3 months). This helps in early detection and treatment of any infections, thereby protecting both you and your partners. Novus offers confidential and comprehensive STI testing services to help you stay informed and safe.

Use Protection

Barrier methods, such as condoms, are effective in reducing the risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancies. Use them consistently and correctly to safeguard your health and that of your partners. Remember, protection is a responsibility you both share.

Embrace Comprehensive Preventive Measures

To safeguard your sexual health, combine vaccinations for HPV and hepatitis B, consider Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV, and adhere to antiretroviral therapy (ART) if living with HIV to achieve an undetectable viral load. This approach—incorporating vaccines, PrEP, and effective HIV management—not only reduces the risk of infections but also supports the principle of U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable), preventing the sexual transmission of HIV. By embracing these preventive measures, you’re taking crucial steps towards a safer, healthier sexual life for yourself and your partners.

STI & HIV Testing, Care, and Treatment in Pennsylvania

Novus, with its commitment to comprehensive care, stands as a beacon of support for individuals navigating the complexities of Sexual health. With a commitment to fostering a healthier future, Novus proudly provides accessible and confidential STI & HIV testing, care, and prevention services throughout PA that empower individuals to take control of their health. Contact us today to learn more about our care services or request an appointment.


Safe and Consensual: Navigating the Importance of Consent in Sexual Health

When it comes to sexual health, fostering a culture of safety and respect is paramount. One of the foundational principles that anchors a healthy sexual experience is consent. Consent is more than just a legal concept; it’s a crucial aspect of ethical and consensual sexual interactions. 

In this blog post, the Novus team delves into the significance of consent in the context of sexual health, exploring its various dimensions and emphasizing the role it plays in promoting positive and fulfilling experiences.

Defining and Understanding Consent

Consent, at its core, is a mutual agreement between all parties involved in a sexual encounter. It is an ongoing, enthusiastic, and voluntary agreement to engage in specific activities. It is important to note that consent must be informed and can be withdrawn at any point during the encounter.

At Novus, we recognize that consent is an ongoing process that can be revoked at any time. This understanding is integrated into every aspect of our practice, from education and counseling to testing and treatment.

Understanding the Dimensions of Consent

  • Communication: Open and honest communication is key to obtaining and giving consent. It involves discussing boundaries, desires, and limits before and during sexual activity. Creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns is crucial for establishing clear consent.
  • Enthusiastic Consent: Enthusiastic consent goes beyond a mere lack of objection. It involves actively expressing a desire to participate in the activity. This ensures that all parties are not just willing but genuinely excited about the experience.
  • Non-Verbal Cues: While verbal communication is important, paying attention to non-verbal cues is equally vital. Body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal signals can provide valuable insights into an individual’s comfort level and consent.

The Role of Consent in Sexual Health

  • Empowerment: Consent empowers individuals to assert control over their bodies and sexual experiences. It acknowledges that each person has the right to make decisions about their own body and establishes a foundation for healthy relationships.
  • Preventing Coercion and Pressure: Consent helps prevent coercion and pressure in sexual situations. It ensures that individuals are not forced or manipulated into activities they are not comfortable with, fostering an environment of mutual respect.
  • Emphasizing Boundaries: Respecting and understanding boundaries is essential for maintaining emotional and physical well-being as well as sexual wellness. Consent allows individuals to communicate and establish their limits, fostering a sense of trust and safety.

Inclusive, Confidential Sexual Health Care in Pennsylvania

At Novus, we believe that a commitment to consent is integral to the provision of quality sexual health care. By prioritizing education, communication, and respect for individual autonomy, we strive to create a safe and consensual environment for our clients. 

Our team of qualified and highly experienced medical specialists is dedicated to delivering the best HIV and STI testing, treatment, and care available, ensuring that every individual receives the support they need on their journey to sexual health and well-being.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.

HIV/AIDS and Mental Health: Navigating the Emotional Impact

Tips For Managing Your Mental Health with HIV/AIDS


A diagnosis of HIV/AIDS is a life-altering event that extends beyond the physical aspects of the condition, delving into the intricate landscape of emotions. The emotional impact of living with HIV/AIDS can be profound, encompassing a spectrum of feelings from fear and stigma to resilience and empowerment. 

In this blog, the HIV care team at Novus explores the emotional dimensions of the HIV/AIDS journey and provides insights into navigating the complex terrain of emotions with strength and resilience:

Breaking the Silence

One of the initial emotional challenges individuals face is breaking the silence surrounding their diagnosis. The stigma associated with HIV/AIDS can create a barrier to open communication. Navigating the emotional impact begins with breaking down these barriers, dispelling HIV myths, and fostering honest conversations with loved ones and healthcare professionals. Embracing vulnerability and sharing one’s story can be a powerful step toward emotional healing!

Building a Supportive Network

The journey with HIV/AIDS can feel isolating, particularly in the face of stigma. Navigating the emotional impact is facilitated by building a supportive network of friends, family, and community. Establishing trust and open communication with your romantic/sexual partner becomes crucial during this journey. Connecting with others who understand the challenges can provide a sense of belonging and reduce the emotional burden. Support groups, both in-person and online, offer spaces for shared experiences and mutual encouragement.

Promoting Self-Care and Compassion

Self-compassion is a powerful tool for navigating the emotional impact of HIV/AIDS. It entails treating oneself with kindness and understanding, recognizing that everyone faces challenges. Cultivating self-compassion is an integral part of self-care, empowering individuals to navigate the emotional highs and lows with greater resilience. This practice fosters a positive and nurturing relationship with oneself, offering essential support amid the complexities of the journey.

Mind-Body Connection

Recognizing the interconnectedness of mind and body is crucial for emotional well-being. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and mindful breathing can help individuals navigate the emotional impact by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and fostering a sense of inner calm. Integrating these practices into daily life can contribute to emotional resilience.

Reframing Perspectives

Navigating the emotional impact involves reframing perspectives on living with HIV/AIDS. This shift in mindset encompasses viewing the journey as an opportunity for personal growth, empowerment, and advocacy. Embracing a positive outlook can be transformative, turning challenges into opportunities for resilience and strength.

HIV Care in Pennsylvania

Novus, with its commitment to comprehensive care, stands as a beacon of support for individuals navigating the complexities of HIV/AIDS. With a commitment to fostering a healthier future, Novus proudly provides accessible and confidential HIV testing, care, and prevention services throughout PA that empower individuals to take control of their health. Contact us today to learn more about our HIV care services or request an appointment.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Sexual Health

Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. When it comes to discussing sexual health with your partner, initiating that conversation can be a pivotal moment in your relationship journey. 

Novus is committed to supporting you in every aspect of your sexual health, and one way we do that is by offering guidance on how to approach this important dialogue. Regardless of your gender, sexual identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or financial status, we are here for you.

Why Discussing Sexual Health Matters

  • Building Trust and Intimacy: Engaging in open conversations about sexual health can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. It shows that you care about their well-being and value trust and transparency in your relationship.
  • Safety and Consent: Addressing sexual health helps ensure that both you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to safe practices and boundaries, reinforcing the importance of consent.
  • Preventing Health Risks: Talking about sexual health allows you both to discuss past sexual experiences, history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and STI/HIV testing. This information is vital for maintaining your health and well-being.

Tips for Talking About Sexual Health with Your Partner

Navigating a conversation about sexual health can be a sensitive and vital part of any relationship. To help you approach this topic with confidence, we’ve compiled a set of practical tips and insights for effective communication:

  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Find a comfortable and private setting to have this conversation. It’s best to bring up the topic when you’re both relaxed and in a non-confrontational environment.
  • Be Honest and Non-Judgmental: Start by being open about your own sexual health history, sexual wellness, and any concerns you may have. Encourage your partner to do the same without judgment. Remember, you’re in this together.
  • Ask Questions: Engage in a two-way conversation by asking questions and actively listening to your partner’s responses. This can help create a safe and supportive space for both of you to express your concerns and needs.
  • Discuss Safe Sex Practices: Talk about using protection, getting tested for STIs, and any contraception methods you plan to use. This conversation ensures you’re both on the same page and helps prevent any misunderstandings. Don’t forget to discuss options like Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention.
  • Plan for Regular Check-Ups: Make a commitment to get regular sexual health check-ups together. This proactive approach helps in maintaining your well-being and preventing potential health risks.
  • Respect Boundaries: Understand that everyone has their comfort zones and boundaries. Always respect your partner’s wishes and limits when discussing sexual health.
  • Stay Informed: Keep updated on sexual health information and rely on Novus for confidential support and services, including information on PrEP for HIV prevention.

Inclusive, Confidential Sexual Health Care in Pennsylvania

At every one of Novus’ Pennsylvania locations, we strive to promote healthy sexual living by providing complimentary STI and HIV testing, while offering budget-friendly solutions for HIV prevention as well as first-rate treatment and care for HIV and Hepatitis C. Don’t let health concerns hold you back – come benefit from our comprehensive services and start living your best life today!

Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.